Friday, August 26, 2011

Gene Curse progress

In progress page from Gene Curse. Back ground by Jay Slife.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Okay I lied. Now I'm working on my Gene Curse comic because for the time being I have managed to get the excellent skills of Jay Slife back on backgrounds. One month to SPX- it would be awesome if we could throw together a proposal by then.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


A sumie bonsai:

Zinnia ikebana (I really did have a lime green zinnia!)

This was based off a kimono pattern that caught my fancy. Its hard to see in the scan but it has some iridescent paint in the white areas. I ended up putting the little painting in one of my frame cards:

The last two are just little watercolors. They seem to be crying out for a good haiku or tanka to accompany them: